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Showing posts with the label risk

In Business, Risk Never Goes Away, It Simply Evolves

One thing I’ve learned along my entrepreneurial journey is that business is evolutionary. Risk in particular, never really goes away. In just evolves and takes new and different forms. To understand the evolutionary nature of risk is to understand the lifecycle of your business. Good leaders understand the how risk changes and can focus their skills and efforts accordingly. While there are an infinite number of different risk phases that business will go through over the course of its life, I think that there are three main “epochs” to which every business owner can relate. Each has its set of challenges and opportunities, and it’s incredibly important for entrepreneurs to recognize where they stand about them. Existential Risk The first risk epoch is existential in nature. This occurs during the early stages of business when entrepreneurs have to prove out the viability of their product or service. During this period, the primary focus of the business is the determination of w