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Showing posts with the label Air Quality

Check air pollution level in your area with these apps

Air pollution levels are on an all-time high and while we don’t need indicators to prove this you can still check out these apps to stay updated with detailed information. To stay up to date with the AQI levels in different parts of the city here’s a list of apps users can download and install.  Air Quality | Air Visual Air Quality app provides historical, real-time and forecast air pollution data. Users can get an updated list of air pollution forecast for the entire week. This app also shows the weather forecast and information like temperature and humidity. Users can also track live monitoring of key air pollutants, health risks for sensitive conditions and more.  Download Air Quality | Air Visual: Android , iOS .  Air Quality Index BreezoMeter Air Quality Index BreezoMeter app provides real-time air quality information at street, block and country levels. It also offers notifications for changes in outdoor air quality for different locations that users can sel