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Showing posts with the label World-Class Achievers

8 Lessons Learned Studying World-Class Achievers

As someone who has aspirations but, admittedly, is not world-class at anything, I’m always curious about the origins of those who are the very best at what they do. I've learned eight lessons from studying the elite in professions from athletics to business and, occasionally, art to find out what makes them tick and how they reached such rarified air.  1. Live a life of discipline. Despite his busy schedule shooting and promoting his movies, movie star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson religiously follows a strict diet and fitness regimen, eating seven carefully orchestrated meals designed for maximum health benefits. He wakes up daily at 4 a.m. to eat his first meal and start the day. His approach to fitness is extreme, but it’s a big part of how he’s achieved extreme levels of success. Simply put, he is more disciplined than those who would try to dethrone him at the box office. 2. Be on a mission. The highest levels of excellence are a result of years of training