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iOS 9 adoption reached 12% in just 24 hours, while Android Lollipop took 5 months

A pple released iOS 9 day before, and reports indicate that the adoption is extremely fast-paced. While the company hasn’t revealed official numbers, analytics firm Mixpanel reveals that iOS 9 adoption reached 12 percent in just 24 hours. The rate of adoption is slightly better than iOS 8 adoption last year, and unsurprisingly is much slower than iOS 7 adoption the year before. Apple users reported some early download issues with iOS 9, but that seems to now have been resolved. The error in installation was attributed to the heavy load on Apple servers as many users tried to transition to iOS 9. The big highlight with the iOS 9 installation is its size. While previous versions ate up a lot of space, the latest one is less than 1.5GB.TechCrunch spoke to Mixpanel CEO Suhail Doshi who provided some context to adoption rate when compared to Android Lollipop. “This kind of adoption took Android’s latest operating system, Lollipop, in comparison 5 months to achieve. One

How Apple Built 3D Touch

The grinding work behind single iPhone feature. By Josh Tyrangiel | September 9, 2015 | Illustrations by Chris Nosenzo Apple has made many things over the years, but its process has remained essentially the same: Find something ugly and complicated and make it prettier and easier. Prettiness, in brushed aluminum, is more or less a permanent state. Ease, however, is constantly evolving, which is why a few days before the geek hootenanny known as Apple’s September Event, Jony Ive’s focus isn’t on a new version of Apple TV or an iPad the size of a doggy door, but on a feature. It’s called 3D Touch, and it makes using an iPhone even easier. “Ultimately,  this  is our focus,” says Ive, squeezing a  new iPhone 6S . “This is what galvanizes our efforts right across the company.” And 3D Touch, he adds with emphasis, “is something we’ve been working on for a long time—multi, multi, multi years.” The Apple design studio, like Stonehenge, is more mystical in the imagination than in