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Showing posts with the label Journaling

10 Daily Habits That Will Make You a Millionaire

You have to pay the cost if you want to be the boss. The cost is discipline. No leader can achieve success without a certain level of discipline. A disciplined person is willing and able to give up short-term pleasure to achieve long-term gains. Of course, becoming disciplined requires you to have daily habits. Only disciplined people with habits can turn their lives around. Habits can change the direction of our lives. While some people have pitiful habits, like gossiping; others have powerful ones, like praising others. No matter who you are or where you came from, your habits can make or break you. What are your habits? Where are they leading you? People ask me all the time, “What are your daily habits? What time do you wake up? What do you do when you get up in the morning?” These questions make me chuckle because I used to ask the same questions when I started my journey to success. The only difference between you and I is that you’re actually getting the answers right

Journaling Is Great Exercise: Here Are 25 Journal Prompts To Motivate You

Every single private coaching client who comes through our company’s doors gets the assignment to get a journal and write in it. It sounds basic and it is, but sometimes we need to get back to basics. We live in our heads. We have six or eight conversations and projects going on in our heads at any moment. We have our normal to-do list and then another list behind that one, called When I Get To It. We have our big goals and dreams to mull over and of course the daily fires that break out and have to be stomped out or drowned with buckets of water. We have way too much going on in our heads. We don’t have enough time even to register what comes into our mental inbox, much less deal with it all. I get lost in my head and my kids say “Mom, are you listening to me?” and I say “What?” which is mom-speak for “No, I’m not listening, I’m replaying a conversation from three days ago.” That’s no good. The here and now is more important than the conversation from three days ago. Kid-time is