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Showing posts with the label people

5 Words Millionaires Understand Better Than Others

If there is one thing that all millionaires today have in common, it is that they know how to be successful. While their success may come from different places, and they may have earned their money in different ways, this is one thing that all millionaires today share. Being an entrepreneur that has become a self-made millionaire is challenging. It takes a lot of work, and it is not something that everyone can do. While most self-made millionaires know a little something about hard work, they also tend to have a pretty extensive vocabulary as well, meaning they truly know the definition of some important terms and what these terms mean. Here are five words that millionaires understand better than others. 1. Limitation Millionaires who work hard and make their own money know that there are no such things as limitations. They truly understand the word limitation. Millionaires understand there are no limitations on your ambition, your potential or your goals. Millionaire

9 Costly Items Your Company Can Live Without

If your company lacks the cash to survive the next six months, think about these cutting back on these nine expenses. "The First 90 Days" is a series about how to make 2016 a year of breakout growth for your business. Let us know how you're making the first 90 days count by joining the conversation on social media with the hashtag #Inc90Days.​ Stocks have plunged since 2016 dawned. It is unclear whether this plunge is a result of investor fear or its cause. But one thing seems certain: The uncertainty could spell trouble for companies seeking to raise capital from investors. If you run a company that was counting on raising capital that has been delayed due to these market conditions, you will need to tighten your company's belt. How should you do that? Here are nine costly items your company can live without. 1. Money-losing product lines. If you don't know which products are profitable and which are losing money, you need your finance departmen

Six Things You Don't Owe Your Boss

The typical workday is long enough as it is, and technology is making it even longer. When you do finally get home from a full day at the office, your mobile phone rings off the hook, and emails drop into your inbox from people who expect immediate responses. While most people claim to disconnect as soon as they get home, recent research says otherwise. A study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that more than 50% of us check work email before and after work hours, throughout the weekend, and even when we’re sick. Even worse, 44% of us check work email while on vacation. A Northern Illinois University study that came out this summer shows just how bad this level of connection really is. The study found that the expectation that people need to respond to emails during off-work hours produces a prolonged stress response, which the researchers named telepressure. Telepressure ensures that you are never able to relax and truly disengage from work. This prolonge

10 Behaviors of Genuine People

Whether you’re building a business, a network, or friendships, you always want to look for people who are genuine. After all, nobody wants to work or hang out with a phony. On the flipside, that goes for you, as well. Bet you never considered that.  In case you're wondering,  genuine  means actual, real, sincere, honest. Genuine people are more or less the same on the inside as their behaviour is on the outside. Unfortunately, it's a tough quality to discern. The problem is that all human interactions are relative. They’re all a function of how we perceive each other through our own subjective lenses.  Being genuine is also a rare quality. In a world full of phony fads, media hype, virtual personas, positive thinkers, and personal brands – where everyone wants what they don’t have, nobody’s content to be who they are, and, more importantly, nobody’s willing to admit to any of that – it’s becoming more and more rare all the time.   To help you identify this rare breed

5 min read The 1 Question That Made Me a Millionaire

Every day, my inbox is filled with requests from my readers and audience members about what I did to become a millionaire. My answer often surprises them.  Let me put it this way: Earning $1 million in a year takes the same effort that earning $10,000 per year takes. However, the difference is not in the effort which you put forth, but in what you think about your efforts. I've had dozens of jobs before I learned the secret  formula   of obtaining wealth. In fact, I remember one job at a car-manufacturing factory where I had the displeasure of waking up 3 am to walk a dozens miles per day as I traversed stray items to it's proper location. It was menial, but even worse, degrading.  After that particular job, which ended promptly at 9 am, I would wearily go to school, barely able to heed the lessons from my professors. It was an endless endeavor that I despised. Deep down inside me, I knew that there had to be a better way to earn my money. But how?  I felt like an

Online Peer Networks Can Motivate People to Exercise More: Penn Study Finds

Can the Web make people more fit? It’s a question hot on the minds of everyone from health insurers to gym owners to public health officials. Although millions of dollars a year are being spent designing promotional ads and social media campaigns, they clearly aren’t working: more than 43 percent of Americans get insufficient levels of daily exercise, and nearly a third are obese. In a new study, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, led by professor  Damon Centola  of the Annenberg School for Communication and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, have found a way to make the Web — and social media — more effective for improving people’s exercise habits. The study,  recently published in the journal  Preventive Medicine Reports , tested a fitness motivator that can be more effective — and vastly cheaper — than promotional advertisements:  program-assigned “health buddies.” In a randomized controlled trial, the researchers created a website where 217