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Showing posts with the label career

How to Get the Most Out of an Informational Interview

When you’re looking for a job or exploring a new career path, it’s smart to go out on informational interviews. But what should you say when you’re actually in one? Which questions will help you gain the most information? Are there any topics you should avoid? And how should you ask for more help if you need it? What the Experts Say “Informational interviews are essential to helping you find out more about the type of industry, company, or role you’re interested in,” says Dorie Clark, author of   Stand Out Networking .  “You may think you already know all about a certain position, but speaking to someone directly gives you the opportunity to test your assumptions.” John Lees, a UK-based career strategist and author of   The Success Code , agrees. Informational interviews “give you exposure — a way to get yourself known in the hidden job market,” he says. “The visibility may put you straight onto a short list, even if a job isn’t advertised.” They can also be a great boost to

Here's Why You Need to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

I absolutely love my job. I almost feel like life isn’t real. That’s how much I love it. I have fun, flexibility and I’m working in the industry of my dreams.  Yet I just accepted a new job. Let me elaborate. A few weeks ago, I was invited to interview for a new position. Several days later, I was offered the job. This unleashed a world of struggle inside me because I love my current job.  I’ve been at this company for a little over a year now, and it’s been an amazing experience. I have learned a lot and grown as a person. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a mentor who has guided me and propelled me along. And I’ve had flexibility: I can, for the most part, work the schedule I set for myself. There’s something invaluable about that. So when I was faced with the decision of accepting a new job, I had to take a really hard look at my options. I kept thinking, Well, I have fun at work. I have a flexible schedule. I like the people I work with. There are certain perks I’d b

Does Your Personal Brand Broadcast Success?

5 Easy Actions You Can Take To Create Career Success How do other people describe the way you work? Are you approachable and collaborative? Or maybe judgmental and controlling? Or perhaps even inspiring and empowering? The actions you take each day build your personal brand. The way you think, the way you feel and the way you behave shape the stories people tell about who you are and what they can expect from you when it comes to your work. Over time they become the trademark your colleagues and clients use to describe you and determine the opportunities that you're offered. It is the foundation on which your career is built. So what does your personal brand say about you? Source: Pressmaster/Canva If you're struggling to describe your personal brand, you're in good company. In my experience, few of us have intentionally thought about the personal brand we want to be building. Instead we hope that if we put our heads down and work hard, other people will