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Showing posts with the label Social media

9 Career Killing Social Media Mistakes To Avoid

Social media is playing an increasing role in the way companies run their business, including how they hire. According to CareerBuilder,  60% of hiring managers  check out applicants’ social media presence as part of their screening process and over 25% of employers report terminating or reprimanding an employee due to social media faux pas. You can argue about whether it’s right or fair for hiring managers to snoop around on your social media accounts. Clearly, they are doing it anyway. This means that you have to be vigilant. I  asked my readers over at Twitter  what career killing mistakes applicants and employees should avoid on social media and got dozens of replies. Here are the best responses. 1. Being dramatic, combative or insulting “We all have those moments. You post something and some rude person tries to call you out, or you see a post denigrating a friend. In those moments, you might want to give somebody a very public piece of your mind. Resist the urge. Li

13 Proven Tips on Running Successful Social Media Campaigns

Running social media campaigns can be quite different from managing your social media profiles on an ongoing basis. Running social media campaigns can be quite different from  managing your social media profiles  on an ongoing basis. Unlike your ongoing  social media marketing , campaigns tend to be for a specific purpose and only last for a certain time period. The strategy you’d take for running a social media campaign might be different from your usual  social media marketing strategy . So how do you run a successful social media campaign? Through case studies of successful social media campaigns by companies like Airbnb, Coca-Cola and Starbucks, you’ll learn actionable tips on increasing the reach and engagement of your next campaign. 13 Proven tips on running successful social media campaigns Here’s a quick overview of all the 13 social media campaign tips. Feel free to click on the tip that interests you the most to jump to that tip. Use existing platform