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Showing posts with the label Employees

6 Rules for Effectively Leading Your Globally-Distributed Team

The speed and security of the internet has created a global economy allowing companies and employees to work from anywhere that has connection to the web. Some companies have adopted a series of smaller remote offices while others corporate giants like Mozilla, Automattic and Upworthy operate completely on a distributed basis. The opportunity and even necessity to work remotely has grown tremendously. In 2014, the number of  remote or telecommuting job listings rose 26 percent , and continued substantial growth is predicted. Although it's tempting to become a globally distributed company for advantages such as decreasing overhead costs, management can be  tricky . During virtual meetings, technical issues can arise, and employees are easily distracted or mentally checkout. Keeping meetings timely, organized and equally open to all involved parties is even more challenging when done through virtual platforms. Additionally, a wide spread team means that not everyone is always w

4 Ways Steve Jobs Inspired Employees With Great Stories

The visionary Apple co-founder was also a master storyteller who used narratives to motivate his team. Steve Jobs knew the power of storytelling better than almost any entrepreneur. In the new book  Illuminate: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols ,  co-authors Nancy Duarte, CEO of Silicon Valley design firm Duarte, and communications expert Patti Sanchez share how leaders like Jobs have used creative communication methods to bring about change. Here are four innovative ways Jobs inspired Apple's employees with compelling stories, as cited in the book. 1. The ceremony. Jobs was known for using symbolic gestures at Apple, like having the signatures of every member of the original Macintosh team engraved on the inside of every Mac (the way artists sign their work), but he also used ceremonies to help forward his agenda. For example, when he wanted the company to forget about Mac OS 9 and move on to Mac OS X, he held a mock funeral for Mac O

How This Small Business Is Tackling Poverty And Paying Its Employees Twice The Minimum Wage

This Pennsylvania-based  business  says that the minimum wage in the state is a “poverty wage.”  Instead, they’re opting to pay their employees nearly twice that. The Lancaster Food Company  was started last year by Charlie Crystle and Craig Lauer, an entrepreneur and a foodie, respectively.  They sell breads, seed butters, salsas, and maple syrup — all organic and all local.  But aside from serving up high quality food, the duo want to solve some serious social issues in the area. Lancaster City has a high poverty rate.  About 30%, Crystle and Lauer say.  While their business alone can’t feed all those individuals, the two want to use their company to show that local businesses can help change that.  So, they’re opting to hire folks who come from low-income backgrounds.  But they’re going beyond the minimum wage, by offering them a starting hourly rate of $14 an hour plus paid time off and benefits. “We feel people who put in a full day of work should get a full day’s pa