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Showing posts with the label work

5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness To Fix Your Brain, Reduce Stress And Boost Performance

There’s no shortage of advice out there claiming to make you better, but mindfulness meditation is the rare, research-proven technique that boosts your performance by physically altering your brain. Researchers from the University of British Columbia recently pooled data from more than 20 studies to understand how practicing mindfulness affects the brain. While the researchers found significant changes in eight brain regions, there are two regions that are of particular importance to you. In these brain regions, the simple act of practicing mindfulness increased both brain activity and the density of brain tissue: 1. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC ), which is responsible for self-control. It enables you to resist distractions, to focus and to avoid impulsivity in order to work efficiently and make great decisions. The ACC is also responsible for flexibility, and people who have problems in this brain area are known to stick to ineffective problem-solving strategies

How To Leave Work At 5 P.M. And Still Get Everything Done

It’s a pattern with which most full-time professionals are familiar–you’re spending increasing amounts of time at your desk, but it feels like you’re getting less done. The hours stretch on, the to-do list grows, and you find yourself facing a future where you might let go of your apartment and just start keeping a toothbrush and slippers in your desk. Otherwise you’ll never get it all done—right? It’s an understandable assumption. Most people feel they have too much to do at work, and the time-space continuum did not change when people started using organizational buzzwords like “multi-tasking.” But while few of us leave our desks at 5 p.m., watching the minutes tick by in front of your computer screen is not actually the way to get ahead, and can even hasten falling further behind. “There are several reasons why our days have swelled,” says productivity consultant and author of  Never Check Email In The Morning  and  Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life  Julie Morgenstern. “Co

5 Words Millionaires Understand Better Than Others

If there is one thing that all millionaires today have in common, it is that they know how to be successful. While their success may come from different places, and they may have earned their money in different ways, this is one thing that all millionaires today share. Being an entrepreneur that has become a self-made millionaire is challenging. It takes a lot of work, and it is not something that everyone can do. While most self-made millionaires know a little something about hard work, they also tend to have a pretty extensive vocabulary as well, meaning they truly know the definition of some important terms and what these terms mean. Here are five words that millionaires understand better than others. 1. Limitation Millionaires who work hard and make their own money know that there are no such things as limitations. They truly understand the word limitation. Millionaires understand there are no limitations on your ambition, your potential or your goals. Millionaire